
What Can Employers Do if They ‘Can’t Afford’ to Use a Specialist Recruiter for Their New Hires?

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​As the retail, hospitality and leisure industries leave the crisis management stage of the pandemic and into the ‘recovery’ stage, it’s time to start thinking about your team.

Many H.R. managers and business owners fall into the trap of thinking that they ‘can’t afford’ to hire right now. Today we’re looking at why this doesn’t have to be the case.

Understandably, businesses think that halting recruitment is an ‘easy’ way to save money, but in reality, this can be one of the most harmful decisions a business leader can make.

If you are struggling with your post-pandemic team as the realities of furlough start to become clear, you might have team members leave, and skills gaps due to a changed team or critical management roles vacant.

What can you do when your team is lacking in certain areas, but you feel as though you haven’t got a budget for recruitment? Today we look at the importance of the priceless strategy of building value in your retail, hospitality or leisure team.

Cost Versus Value Versus Investment in Building Your Team

Understanding the difference between cost, value and investment will boost your profitability.

All too often, teams struggle with missing members, or with the wrong employee in place, which will be harmful to the business in the long run.

Especially in the retail and hospitality sector, when many managers tell me that all they seem to do is hire for the same roles over and over again – this is a sign that all is not well within the team.

The perceived cost of using a dedicated recruiter is always balanced against the value that the quality of their hire will bring to your organisation and the time it takes.

Get your hiring right the first time, and you end up with a strong team in place, and more importantly, you aren’t paying for the extra cost of recruiting the same roles time and again.

The Importance of Having the Right Team in Place Now

Uncertainty can delay retail and hospitality organisations from hiring new employees at a time when they really need to.

The pandemic has caused a tale of two halves in the retail and hospitality sector.

While there are the stories of companies who are having to make cutbacks, many businesses are thriving.

Toy retailer The Works saw online sales more than triple during the lockdown, with yearly revenue rising by 3.5%. Pizza chain Dominos recently announced that they were creating 5,000 jobs in the U.K. and food retailer the Co-op’s first-half profits have doubled as consumers have been shopping more locally.

So there are opportunities out there for retail and hospitality businesses, it’s a case of being proactive in a challenging environment.

But unfortunately, there will also be businesses who don’t do so well in the wake of Covid, and these will be the ones who stall on their recovery plan. The pandemic has caused a multitude of changes in retail and hospitality teams. Even individuals who planned on returning to their jobs after furlough, now appreciate their situations might have changed.

Six months is a long time in any industry and especially in the retail and hospitality sector anyway. Considering this is it time your organisation made some honest decisions about the state of your current team?

  • Have you had team members leave?

  • Are there now skills gaps where there wasn’t before lockdown?

  • Have your business needs changed?

Now is the time to come back stronger from the pandemic, with a team in place to rival your competitors.

Recruitment is a Time Drain for Overstretched Managers

There are many reasons why both the retail and hospitality sector use recruitment experts, and this really hasn’t changed during the pandemic.

  • We save our clients time

  • We can access candidates they can’t

Two simple reasons that I appreciate have a lot more detail in how time-saving works for hiring managers.

When it comes to time and recruitment, this will impact you in many ways. Running recruitment campaigns involves a lot of detailed tasks including research, evaluation, marketing, screening, logistics, understanding and influence.

Literally hours of work.

Though many people have been made redundant; don’t assume that it will be easier to find the candidates you want yourself - it won’t.

A business friend of mine decided he would give it a ‘go’ to recruit for a specific role he had.

He received five hundred applications. He thought he could ‘sift’ through them at night in front of the T.V. Not that practical when you don’t get in until seven, and you are on Daddy and washing up duty.

Trying to find the ‘needle’ in the haystack was a nightmare. Some people hadn’t even attached their CV, others had thought they were applying for a completely different role.

Then trying to arrange the interviews added even more pressure into the system. Eventually, the penny dropped that his time was spent better in other areas of the business.

What he wanted was five or six good CV's to review, and then he could take two or three to the interview stage.

This is how recruiters save you time and money. Because they are experienced professionals, they will understand exactly what you are looking for and how to identify both the skill and culture fit that will work; saving you days of time.

There Are Alternatives Available

You might have spoken to recruiters in the past who offered their services at a fixed price, with no room for discussion.

At C2, we’re different.

We’ve always been flexible with our recruiting packages, but we’ve taken this to another level since Covid.

With over a decade of experience recruiting in this sector, we understand how hard it is for retail and hospitality companies right now.

We can offer:

  • flexible price packages to suit all of your recruitment needs,

  • including monthly payment plans and all with a,

  • money-back guarantee.

All to make you feel sure that the revenue you spend on recruiting is going towards the right cause – getting you the best team in place to weather the post-Covid storm.

Next Steps?

If you want to speak to an expert about finding your next retail or hospitality employees; if you’ve got vacancies, skills gaps or are planning for growth – we can help.

We’re leading U.K. experts of recruiting for critical retail, hospitality and leisure roles and are operating a fully-flexible recruitment service so we can accommodate your staffing needs.

Call us today on 01743 770280 or click here to send us an email with the details of your current staffing problem and we will get back to you.




About C2 Recruitment

Originally established in 2008, C2 Recruitment specialises within the Retail, Fashion, Hospitality and Leisure sectors.

Our consultants come from the industries they specialise in and are renowned for giving the very best possible recruitment service to our clients and candidates chosen fields.

The C2 team recruits on a national scale across all specialist areas of Retail, Fashion and Hospitality.

To find out how we can help you with a recruitment or career query in these fields, call us on 01743 770280 or contact us here.