C2 Retail and Fashion Recruitment

Top CV tips for your next retail position - C2 Retail Recruitment

Retail Recruitment Specialists

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5 top CV writing tips for your next retail position


A compelling CV is an essential tool for the ambitious retail jobseeker. Retail recruiters are constantly working their way through stacks of Retail CVs, so it’s really important that yours stands out and instantly communicates why you’re a great fit for your desired retail role.


These 5 tips should help you hone your CV so it grabs retail recruiters’ attention:

  1. Keep it concise. The average retail recruiter spends only a few minutes scanning a CV, so keep it to two pages or three at most for those in senior retail positions.
  2. Work before education. Recruiters want to know what you’ve done recently, so list your work experience in reverse chronological order and follow this with your educational achievements.
  3. Explain the gaps. Your CV should account for your entire work history, so make sure you explain periods of unemployment, parental leave or travelling.
  4. Focus on career history. Unless your hobbies and activities demonstrate skills that are directly relevant to your desired retail role, this section should be kept to a minimum and placed at the bottom of your CV.  
  5. Check for errors. Spelling and grammar mistakes can make an otherwise excellent candidate appear sloppy and unprofessional. As it is difficult to spot your own mistakes, ask a friend to proofread your CV before you submit it to retail recruiters.


Finally, remember that the purpose of the CV is to secure an interview. It should highlight all the aspects that make you a great fit for your desired role so that whoever’s reading your CV puts you on their interview shortlist. Good luck!

Here at C2 Retail Recruitment, as one of the leading Retail Recruitment specialists in the UK, we are always on hand to offer our retail candidates the very best career advice. If you would like to find out more about how we can help you with the next step in your retail career or indeed any retail careers advice, then contact one of our friendly team on 01743 770280.

